
Looking for guidance on all things digital product technology?

You’re in luck. We’ve got you covered.

May 02, 2024

Piercing the Skies: An Actual Explainer for Cloud-Based Custom Software Development

Ah, the cloud. Where is it? Or better yet, what is it? Cloud-based applications are literally everywhere, but also, literally so few people who use them actually know...

Mar 21, 2024

React Native Development 101: What is a React Mobile App?

When everyone, their sister, and her best friend are launching apps, it’s truly vital for businesses and entrepreneurs to...

Oct 04, 2023

Software Development Trends in a Dizzyingly-Shifting Landscape

In the blurry-fast realm of software development, staying up to date with trends isn’t just an option – it’s...

Jul 24, 2023

Get Edgeucated: Understanding the Ins and Outs of Edge AI

Picture this: you’re trying to develop an application that operates in response to real-time data. But due to server...
edtech startups: how to develop an edtech tool

Feb 16, 2022

EdTech Startups: How to Develop an EdTech Tool

Hello! Today we’ll be discussing how to develop an EdTech tool. (This is a continuation of our Part I:...
saas apps and saas development

Feb 03, 2022

SaaS Apps: What Are They, and What is SaaS Development?

Software as a service apps (aka SaaS app or Web-based software, on-demand software, or hosted software) is how many...
(Re)Assessing Product-Market Fit

Aug 28, 2021

How to (Re)Assess Product-Market Fit — and what to do about it

Product-Market Fit is a term coined by Venture Capital Great, Marc Andreessen. Today, we're going to cover how to...

Aug 24, 2021

Common Mistakes in App Development

In a recent Goji Blog, we summed up what we think is the best method to develop an app...

Aug 12, 2021

How to Build Internal Tools to Streamline Business Operations

Internal tools: necessary but not necessarily finicky if you build them the right way. In fact, if you do...
Is my app idea worth development?

Aug 04, 2021

Goji Labs Advice: Is My Product Idea Worth App Development?

Congratulations, you creative wunderkind! So, you came up with a brilliant app idea? Excellent. That’s very exciting. However, you’re...
A guide to assessing and finding your target market

Jul 28, 2021

How to Assess and Find Your Target Market

In many ghosts of Goji Blog past, we talked about “assessing your target market,” “knowing your target market,” and...
software development lifecycle

Jul 15, 2021

Software Development 101: The Software Development Lifecycle

The software development process can seem long and complicated, but when broken down into manageable parts, even newbies can...