Business Tips

Looking for guidance through organizational changes and growth?

You’re in luck. We’ve got you covered.

go-to-market strategy

Apr 16, 2022

The Power Guide to B2C Go-to-Market Strategy

So, yes—we’ve previously written about B2B go-to-market strategy (here and here). But where does it differ when it comes...
freemium model

Apr 06, 2022

Freemium: The Good, The Bad, The GTM Strategy

Freemium or The Freemium Model — a phrase as ubiquitous  and buzzy in today’s digital economy as  “Next Gen”...
nps score

Apr 01, 2022

What is an NPS Score? A Guide to The Net Promoter Score

When you have a digital product, it’s essential to know where it stands among users. By learning how consumers...
scaling organizations and scaling your startup

Mar 24, 2022

Scaling Organizations: What You Need for Scaling Your Startup

Whether yours is a nonprofit or for-profit, growth is the goal. You want to drive results, make an impact,...
nonprofit marketing plan

Mar 11, 2022

Strategizing The Best Nonprofit Marketing Plan

When you’re running a nonprofit, you have to think in numbers. Businesses need revenue to survive and grow, and...
product-led growth plg go-to-market

Feb 09, 2022

Go-to-Market: What is Product-Led Growth (PLG)?

So, you have a fantastic product idea, and now you're wrangling how to get it into the hands of...
measuring app engagement

Jan 24, 2022

Measuring App Engagement: What It Is and Why It’s Important

As app developers, we often talk about how to build an app and how to design it for success....
what is series-a funding and how to prepare for series-a funding

Jan 21, 2022

What is Series-A Funding and How to Prepare for Series-A Funding

We've already covered the Pre-Seed and Seed funding background and steps. But we're graduating today to Series-A.
mobile app marketing

Jan 19, 2022

8 Fantastic Reasons to Invest in Mobile App Marketing

Why should your business invest in a mobile app and mobile app marketing? To enhance CX and increase ROI.
digital health and healthtech regulations

Jan 05, 2022

A Starter Guide to Digital Health and HealthTech Regulations

Today we'll be covering Digital Health and HealthTech regulations—because if that's not fun, I don't know what is.

Dec 01, 2021

Giving Season: The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Fundraising Trends

Happy Holidays and a very warm welcome to this Goji Blog on nonprofit fundraising trends!  We thought it would...

Nov 24, 2021

Who is the Right Software Developer for Startups?

So, you’ve come up with an absurdly cool idea, and now you’re wondering how to choose the right software...