Business Tips

Looking for guidance through organizational changes and growth?

You’re in luck. We’ve got you covered.

man working on custom software development, life-changing for startups

Jul 20, 2018

Custom Software Development for Startups is Life-Changing

If you want your business to not only survive, but succeed and grow, you are going to require the...
the power of brand partnerships

Jul 18, 2018

The Power of Brand Partnerships

Brand partnerships, both big and small, have the power to enhance reputations, expand visibility, and generate revenue. While this...
computer by window helping people understand finding good ruby on rails developers

Jul 16, 2018

Finding Good Ruby on Rails Developers

So you want or need to build an application in Ruby on Rails? You’re not alone. Nowadays, more than...
startup team discussing things to consider for building an app

Jul 13, 2018

Considerations for Building an App: A Startup’s Guide

“You have an awesome idea!”, says everyone around you, and you tend to agree. Look, we all have awesome...
white mans hands working on product development risk reduction

Jul 12, 2018

Product Development Risk Reduction: A Guide for the Risk Averse, Part III

We’ve already covered finding the right developers and making it through the development phase with minimal risk. For our...
white woman understanding why dev projects fail

Jul 09, 2018

Why Dev Projects Fail: Four Reasons

At Goji Labs, one of our specialties is taking on rescue projects. That is, projects which never make it...
chess board representing performing a competitive analysis

Jul 04, 2018

Performing a Competitive Analysis For Your Product Idea

Have an idea for a mobile or web app, but don’t know where to start? In these early stages,...
man with flannel shirt giving a great pitch during meeting

Jul 03, 2018

Giving a Great Startup Pitch

Over the years, we’ve collected a treasure chest of advice from clients who have successfully pitched to investors. While...
product development risk reduction

Jun 27, 2018

Product Development Risk Reduction: A Guide for the Risk Averse

In the tech industry, we’re all familiar with that daunting adage: 99% percent of startups don’t make it to...

Jun 26, 2018

The Power of The Principle of Least Astonishment

When it comes to successful app or software development, understanding and following The Principle of Least Astonishment is key....